(page updated 06/30/19)

All Text & Photos © Hilton Pond Center

Monarch, Danaus plexippus

The following 33 species of Butterflies (Lepidoptera) have been positively identified at Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History.

We are always working on our formal survey of Butterflies, so please check back frequently as we add to the list. Our butterfly taxonomy is based primarily on a list pubished by Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA).

NOTE: If you have expertise in Butterfly identification and would like to help survey the species at Hilton Pond Center, please contact us at RESEARCH.

/Papilioninae (Swallowtail Family)
Zebra Swallowtail Protographium marcellus (formerly Eurytides marcellus)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus
Giant Swallowtail Papilio cresphontes
(Sulphurs & Whites Family)
Cabbage White Pieris rapae
Falcate Orangetip Anthocharis midea
Orange Sulfur Colias eurytheme
Southern Dogface Colias cesonia
Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae
(Gossamer-wings, Coppers & Blues Family)
Great Purple Hairstreak, Atlides halesus (adult male & caterpillar)
Red-banded Hairstreak, Calycopis cecrops
Gray Hairstreak Strymon melinus
(Metalmarks Family)

(Brushfoots & Anglewings Subfamily)
American Snout Libytheana carinenta
Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae
Diana Fritillary Speyeria diana
(male, at right, on Pickerelweed; uncommon butterfly species for the South Carolina Piedmont)
Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos
Question Mark Polygonia interrogationis
Mourning Cloak Nymphalis antiopa
Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta
Red-spotted Purple Limenitis arthemis astyanax
Viceroy Liminitis archippus
Hackberry Emperor
Asterocampa celtis
Tawny Emperor Asterocampa clyton

Satyrinae (Satyrs & Nymphs Subfamily)
Carolina Satyr Hermeuptychia sosybius
Little Wood-Satyr Megisto cymela
Common Wood-Nymph Cercyonis pegala

DANAIDAE (Milkweed Butterfly Family)
Monarch Danaus plexippus (top photo)

HESPERIIDAE (Skipper Family)
(True or Grass Skipper Subfamily)
Common Checkered-Skipper Pyrgus communis
Zabulon Skipper Poanes zabulon
Clouded Skipper Lerema accius
Fiery Skipper Hylephila phyleus

Pyrginae (Open-winged or Herb, Shrub & Tree Skipper Subfamily)
Long-tailed Skipper Urbanus proteus
Silver-spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus
Lace-winged Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes aesculapius

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Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History is a non-profit research & education organization in York, South Carolina USA; phone (803) 684-5852. Directed by Bill Hilton Jr., aka The Piedmont Naturalist, it is the parent organization for Operation RubyThroat. Contents of this website--including articles and photos--may NOT be duplicated, modified, or used in any way except with the express written permission of Hilton Pond Center. All rights reserved worldwide. To obtain permission for use or for further assistance on accessing this Web site, contact the Webmaster.